Require or disallow padding lines between statements (padding-line-between-statements)

The --fix option on the command line can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.

This rule requires or disallows blank lines between the given 2 kinds of statements. Properly blank lines help developers to understand the code.

For example, the following configuration requires a blank line between a variable declaration and a return statement.

/*eslint padding-line-between-statements: [
    { blankLine: "always", prev: "var", next: "return" }

function foo() {
    var a = 1;

    return a;

Rule Details

This rule does nothing if no configurations are provided.

A configuration is an object which has 3 properties; blankLine, prev and next. For example, { blankLine: "always", prev: "var", next: "return" } means "one or more blank lines are required between a variable declaration and a return statement." You can supply any number of configurations. If a statement pair matches multiple configurations, the last matched configuration will be used.

    "padding-line-between-statements": [
        { "blankLine": LINEBREAK_TYPE, "prev": STATEMENT_TYPE, "next": STATEMENT_TYPE },
        { "blankLine": LINEBREAK_TYPE, "prev": STATEMENT_TYPE, "next": STATEMENT_TYPE },
        { "blankLine": LINEBREAK_TYPE, "prev": STATEMENT_TYPE, "next": STATEMENT_TYPE },
        { "blankLine": LINEBREAK_TYPE, "prev": STATEMENT_TYPE, "next": STATEMENT_TYPE },


This configuration would require blank lines before all return statements, like the newline-before-return rule.

Examples of incorrect code for the [{ blankLine: "always", prev: "*", next: "return" }] configuration:

/*eslint padding-line-between-statements: [
    { blankLine: "always", prev: "*", next: "return" }

function foo() {

Examples of correct code for the [{ blankLine: "always", prev: "*", next: "return" }] configuration:

/*eslint padding-line-between-statements: [
    { blankLine: "always", prev: "*", next: "return" }

function foo() {


function foo() {

This configuration would require blank lines after every sequence of variable declarations, like the newline-after-var rule.

Examples of incorrect code for the [{ blankLine: "always", prev: ["const", "let", "var"], next: "*"}, { blankLine: "any", prev: ["const", "let", "var"], next: ["const", "let", "var"]}] configuration:

/*eslint padding-line-between-statements: [
    { blankLine: "always", prev: ["const", "let", "var"], next: "*"},
    { blankLine: "any",    prev: ["const", "let", "var"], next: ["const", "let", "var"]}

function foo() {
    var a = 0;

function foo() {
    let a = 0;

function foo() {
    const a = 0;

Examples of correct code for the [{ blankLine: "always", prev: ["const", "let", "var"], next: "*"}, { blankLine: "any", prev: ["const", "let", "var"], next: ["const", "let", "var"]}] configuration:

/*eslint padding-line-between-statements: [
    { blankLine: "always", prev: ["const", "let", "var"], next: "*"},
    { blankLine: "any",    prev: ["const", "let", "var"], next: ["const", "let", "var"]}

function foo() {
    var a = 0;
    var b = 0;


function foo() {
    let a = 0;
    const b = 0;


function foo() {
    const a = 0;
    const b = 0;


This configuration would require blank lines after all directive prologues, like the lines-around-directive rule.

Examples of incorrect code for the [{ blankLine: "always", prev: "directive", next: "*" }, { blankLine: "any", prev: "directive", next: "directive" }] configuration:

/*eslint padding-line-between-statements: [
    { blankLine: "always", prev: "directive", next: "*" },
    { blankLine: "any",    prev: "directive", next: "directive" }

"use strict";

Examples of correct code for the [{ blankLine: "always", prev: "directive", next: "*" }, { blankLine: "any", prev: "directive", next: "directive" }] configuration:

/*eslint padding-line-between-statements: [
    { blankLine: "always", prev: "directive", next: "*" },
    { blankLine: "any",    prev: "directive", next: "directive" }

"use strict";
"use asm";



When Not To Use It

If you don't want to notify warnings about linebreaks, then it's safe to disable this rule.


This rule was introduced in ESLint 4.0.0-beta.0.
