
These are the people who build and maintain ESLint.

Technical Steering Committee

The people who manage releases, review feature requests, and meet regularly to ensure ESLint is properly maintained.

Nicholas C. Zakas

Brandon Mills

Milos Djermanovic


The people who review and implement new features.

Nitin Kumar


The people who review and fix bugs and help triage issues.

Brett Zamir

Bryan Mishkin

Sara Soueidan

Pig Fang



Former TSC members and committers who previously helped maintain ESLint.


Burak Yigit Kaya

Mathias Schreck

Michael Ficarra

Jamund Ferguson

Kevin Partington

Mike Sherov

Henry Zhu

Vitor Balocco

Alexej Yaroshevich

James Henry

Oleg Gaidarenko

Michael Robinson

Ilya Volodin

Toru Nagashima

Reyad Attiyat

Victor Hom

Ian VanSchooten

Gyandeep Singh

Kai Cataldo

Mark Pedrotti